Crisis Communication Interviews
The Lollar Group manages crisis situations through effective planning and communication. Current economic realities have challenged organizations to employ cause-related marketing and corporate social responsibility that align with relevant causes in communities. Choosing the right cause and the right partners is essential in delivering measurable business results and building community currency in an increasingly competitive environment.
The Lollar Group has conducted crisis training for BL Harbert International (Corporate Construction), Verizon Wireless (Telecommunications), Junior League of Birmingham (Non-Profit Organization), and Milo’s Tea Company (Alabama Business) as well as many other clients.
President Holly Lollar spoke on a crisis communications panel "After the Storm: Small Business Recovery Summit" which was sponsored by the Birmingham Business Alliance and co-sponsored by The Birmingham News and Charter Business after the devasting Alabama tornadoes in April of 2011. She has written two articles about COVID- 19 for the Birmingham Business Journal and Yellowhammer News. She also has obtained her accreditation in public relations (APR).